Wednesday, August 17, 2011

loser & winner

When you have kids, you'll understand the meaning of losing your independence and sanity. Your sole reason of living lies upon these little creature called babies. With 2 under 2, things surely get crazier. Semua dugaannya mencabar hati dan jiwa. Previously, with adam, we were really flustered whenever he cries. Gotta admit that I actually jumped to him upon his slightest cries. Everything I do, I will put his needs and wants first. And, my successful adventure outside the house depends upon his mood for the day. Most of the time I prayed that he will be on his best behaviour, which really meant No Tantrum!!!
Bak kata kawan saya, cik Intan payung, "sendri mau ingat, pandai buat, pandai tanggung. There's no turning back". It's true, ada masanya rasa macam nak tarik rambut, but most of the time I feel and I know I can't live without them. The precious moments we shared, the laughter and the joy trumps all the cries and screams. Time dia naughty, baru rasa nak jerit kat dia and tetiba dia kata,"Sowwy Mama". Terus cair and sejuk hati. Ayoyo, lima minit kemudian, ......ADAM!!!!!! Ganbatte-san to all mama.

- And she sipped her heavenly Caramel Macchiato

Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby Bunching

Term refers to parents with kids less than 2 years apart (2 under 2), or sometimes 3 under 3 y.o (o' ooo). For a mama like me, it simply meant that our life is a sandwiched with sheer happiness and sheer madness. Meaning? Macam biskut chipsmore, kejap rasa macam heppi and rasa bes, satgi rasa macam nak menjerit sambil tarik rambut. Normal laa kan rasa macam ni? Or not?

My 2 under 2 = my cinta hati, Adam & Zara. Bak kata orang, lahirnya anak, tumpahlah rezeki. Alhamdullilah! Setiap kali rasa nak menjerit pada yang berdua, have to be reminded of this always. Kadang2, terjerit jugak!! Hehe :-)

- And she sipped her heavenly Caramel Macchiato